
Teaching reading is hard. Why?

English is quirky + competing demands on your time.

There has to be a better way.

We're organizing it for you. ignite is easy to use, beautiful and research based. Spend more time teaching. Help students achieve and meet your goals as a teacher.


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vowels a e i o u phoneme examples

curriculum [Dolch Fry F&P Fundations Wonders]

Elections food

suffixes consonants prefixes silent letters soft and hard ersb


Get started with word stories

Tap the upper right audio icon on: said some back there here house home water room dog night head every does something

Dialects: Local Voices

Explore: more than 170 people from around the globe have contributed their voices, words and dialects.

Contribute your voice.


Sort and worksheets

The 15 worksheet Good Morning, Mother Story Vowels: O


Short, thematic videos

cranes custard


Noah has breakfast

Emma will have a Birthday soon

Some Saturdays Dad makes a big breakfast

Good Morning, Mother

Achoo! Oh no, I have a cold.

Do you see the bird there?

There once was a mouse who lived with a horse

Please use care when you walk in the garden

We all like to pick apples in the Fall

If I could fly I would go all over

I put the coin in the box

We are going to the zoo

The sky is blue

I want to buy a bike

The sun goes down

Find a Book at the Little Library

How do we know it will snow?

You only turn one once

Recent Articles

They cite a half-century of research that shows phonics — sound it out exercises that are purposefully sequenced — is the most effective way to teach reading, along with books that build vocabulary and depth. With brain science steadily adding to that evidence, there is a sense — at least for many in the education establishment — that the debate over early reading instruction may be ebbing. Phonics is ascendant.

“When Professor Calkins was asked what changed her mind about the science of reading, she cited, without defensiveness, several experts who have criticized her work: Professor Seidenberg, author of the influential book "Language at the Speed of Sight," and Emily Hanford.
- Dana Goldstein

- and -

- also “I can’t recommend highly enough a book I keep on my desk: Language at the Speed of Sight by Mark Seidenberg”

Jorge Luis Borges: English was 'far finer' than his native tongue. Right or wrong, I love his savor for language.


Language at the Speed of Sight by Mark Seidenberg:

Audio: Libro FM Apple Books Tattered Cover amazon

Kingdom of Characters by Jing Tsu

Audio: Libro FM Apple Books Tattered Cover amazon


Molly Farry-Thorn Mark Seidenberg Nancy Zellmer Jim Zellmer

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